Manventure. This is where we separate the men from the boys. Keep in mind that at the last Manventure, we fell asleep with a clear sky and woke up to a foot of snow. Did that stop Farcus from planning another?? Heck no.
Highlights from this year:
I realized I left the camera in the car when we were a mile into the hike
I realized I forgot my spork when we were setting up camp (Yes, I made a spoon out of a stick. No, I did not get any splinters in my mouth)
Creative Juices were flowing. ie MayMay songs at an all time high
We hiked to FOUR different lakes
We scaled a mountain in hopes of another lake, but we only found more mountains.
Nick has a new name: Teflon Man. Work doesn't seem to stick to him...
Peter's butt was caught by Farcus' hook
We made our own public restrooms. I won't go into detail; some things aren't supposed to leave the Manventure.
Peter's trail mix was mostly candy
We found out that the Manventure doesn't end when you get to the car. The Tahoe died coming out of Kamas, so that added another two hours to the fun!
notice how farcus is the only one not folding his arms.